Sunday, May 13, 2012

Title of the Blog

Being Her Husband.  Why did I choose that as a title for the blog?

Because being married is life changing.  And being her husband has changed the focus of my life.  My personal life, financial life and work life have all changed trajectory because of her.

No other title would have fit.


  1. This is good stuff. I'm too lazy to go comment on everything I found thought-provoking in your past posts, but I do agree that everything takes on different priorities once you're married. I'm glad that you and she are maintaining your individual identities, though - it's hard to reclaim those if you go too long without them, especially once (if) kids enter the picture. I find it interesting that you chose to remain in a job partly as a result of being married, because my family has been behind me leaving two jobs!

  2. Thanks for the comment! To clarify, I didn't keep the job because I got married. Getting married changed my outlook on many things, work being one of them. When my attitude changed, I didn't need to think about changing jobs nearly as much. We would still consider a move, but not moving isn't going to have a negative impact on my life.
